Audit Reports for Healthcare Productivity

Note: This topic is for Healthcare Productivity. For other audit reports, see the Audit reports topic. For variance advisor, see the Audit Reports for Variance Advisor topic.

Use audit reports to track additions or changes to Healthcare Productivity configurations.

  1. Select Main Menu  > Dataviews & Reports > Report Library.
  2. From the Report Library, click tap Run Report .
  3. In the Select Report panel, select Audit > Audit Report.
  4. Select a report.
  5. Click Tap Report Options .
  6. In Audit Report, select the following parameters:
    • Audit Types — Select More  and one of the following:
      • Agency Definition
      • Person Analytics Labor Type: Audit changes to Healthcare Productivity-related configurations that were made in People Information or by the People Import integration. This report is generated as part of the People Audit report rather than an Audit report.
      • Targets
      • Work Unit
      • Work Unit Hyperfind

      Click Tap Apply.

    • Select the Start Date and End Date — If you do not select both a start and end date, the report uses the current week with the current date (today) as the end date. Example: If you schedule a report on February 11 but do not enter dates, the report runs for the dates from February 4 through February 11.
    • User — Enter the name of the people who made the changes. Separate multiple people with commas (,).
    • Output Format: Select one of the following:
      • PDF
      • Excel
      • Interactive
  7. (Optional) Click Tap Export to save the audit data to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

  8. (Optional) Click Tap Print.

    Note: In Orientation, select Landscape if Portrait does not show all columns.

  9. Click Tap Run Report .

    Status indicators

    •  In-Progress: The report is running.
    •  Completed: The report ran successfully without errors.
    •  Failed: The report has errors; check the Run Summary for details. Correct the error and run the report again.
  10. Select the report and click tap the right arrow .
  11. Click Tap View Report.

    The report has the following columns:

    • Type
    • Item
    • Action
    • Date
    • User (IP)
    • User
    • Attribute
    • Old Value
    • New Value