Attendance formula policies

Formula policies are the results of specific mathematical operations using point and occurrences, time balances, or both. Two examples of formula policies are percentage of lost time and occurrence rate. For example, to calculate the percentage of lost time, lost hours are divided by scheduled hours and multiplied by 100. For example, to calculate an occurrence rate, the number of occurrences, implemented as points, is either divided by the number of worked days, implemented as points, or the number of scheduled days, implemented as points, and then multiplied by 100.

Formula policies are the results of specific mathematical operations using points and occurrences, time balances, or both.

Example of formula results that can be used in a policy Occurrences as a percentage of lost time or an occurrence rate that calculates to a percentage or actual value of unexcused time.

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Create the policy

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Attendance Policies.
  2. Enter the Policy Name and select the Discipline Level. from the drop-down.
  3. On the General tab complete the following:
    1. (Optional) Enter a Policy Description and Attendance Detail label.
    2. In Reference Start Date, select the start date that begins the tracking period for an attendance policy.
  4. On the Formula tab complete the following:

    Design your formula and test the results before you automate the calculation. In Formula choose from Points & Occurrences or Time daily values from the balance types that are listed.

    Your formula can include multiple balance type values added or subtracted from any category. However, the calculation must be logical for your situation.

    See Balance Types for more information.

    1. Choose a multiplier of blank ( value of 1) or 100, which calculates as a percentage.
    2. In Result, select from list of previously defined balance types, which must be a calculated value.
    3. Enter a Display Name that is used throughout Attendance Setup.
    4. Enter an abbreviated Code.
  5. Click Tap Save.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to configure Attendance Profiles.