Balance Types

(missing or bad snippet)They can be based on:

  • Points and Occurrences — A number of points or a number of occurrences.
  • Time — An amount of time (hours or minutes).
  • Calculated Balances — A percentage of time.

There is one row in each category, labeled with a default name. You cannot delete the default type, but you can modify its name and other data.

Each category includes a default balance type that you cannot delete. You can add to the categories, modify the details of each type, or use the default balance type as the basis of additional balance types.

(missing or bad snippet)

Create a balance type

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Balance Types.
  2. Select Insert a new row in Points & Occurrences, Time, or Calculated Balances.
  3. Enter a name.

    Note: The following reserved characters cannot be used in a Balance Type Name: * % ? _ : ; ( ) | # / \ & ! = < > [ ] , { } .

  4. If the balance type is in the Points or Occurrences category or the Time category, select Points Expire or Time Expires.
  5. In Minimum Balance enter an amount in decimals or as a time duration. Negative numbers area allowed in time and calculated balances types.
  6. In Maximum Balance enter an amount decimal or a time duration. Negative numbers are allowed in time and calculated balances types.
  7. For Calculated Balances and Points and Occurrences balances types, indicate the number of decimal Places. For example, 1.5 or 1.50.
  8. Click Save.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to define Discipline Levels.