Request to Cover My Shift from My Calendar

Note: This information applies to submitting cover requests from My Calendar. If you are using My Schedule for employee self-service, see Request to Cover My Shift from My Schedule.

Employees can request other employees to cover a scheduled shift for them. Requests to cover can be made for the whole shift or, if configured for your system, partial shifts.

Submit requests from the Calendar to ask another employee to cover your shift.

  1. Open the Calendar by one of the following methods:
    • Click Tap Home  > My Schedule
    • Click Tap Main Menu  > My Information > My Calendar.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Tap New Request . Select Request to Cover .
    • Right-click a day in the future that has a shift. Click Tap Request to Cover 
  3. In Request to Cover, select the day in the calendar where the shift is and select the shift that you want covered.

    You can select a shift from another month:

     Previous — Show the previous month.

     This Month — Show the month that includes today.

     Next — Show the next month.

    (Optional) Click Tap View Details .

  4. In How would you like to offer this shift?, select one of the following:

    Note: This question appears only if the request to cover subtype is configured with Both for Recipients of Request.

    • Post as an open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it.: Offer this shift to any other employees by way of the Shift Market. Read the confirmation details, then click tap Post.
    • Send to specific people: Select employees to whom to offer the shift as follows:

      Under Employees, search for employees or select an employee to cover your shift. You can search for multiple employees by typing their names in the Search box with spaces between each employee name.

      Note: If an employee accepts the shift and it is automatically approved, requests for the other employees offered that shift are invalidated. If the manager approves the request, the other employees receive a refusal.

      Select the employee whom you want to cover your shift. Employee records show an availability percentage bar.

      Click Tap Submit.

  5. Specify whether you want to offer the shift as:
    • A whole shift — Click Tap Next to continue.
    • A partial shift — the system displays the rules, if any, that have been configured for partial shifts. For example:
      • The minimum length of the partial cover shift request you can offer
      • The length of any portions of the whole shift that must remain after you have specified the partial cover shift request you are offering
      • Whether the partial cover shift request must start or end at the same time as the whole shift

      Rules are validated as you enter values in the Start Time and End Time fields.

      Note: The system invalidates pending requests when the shift in the pending request overlaps with a partial shift that has been approved. Pending requests that do not overlap can still be approved.

  6. Click Tap Next to continue.
  7. In the Request to Cover summary, click tap one of the following:
    • Post
    • Cancel