Use the Data Import Tool

Important Notes

  • The maximum number of records in a single import file cannot exceed 10,000 records. If you have multiple files where each file has 10,000, records, upload each file separately.
  • The file being imported cannot exceed 10,240 Kb.

  • You can run a maximum of 10 data import templates in parallel for a tenant. 10 templates is the default value for the maximum setting. Values can range from 5 – 20. We recommend that you allow the first 10 templates to complete before initiating the running of additional templates. If you need to adjust this setting, contact the Support team. Changing the maximum number of templates that the system can run simultaneously is not recommended because it could affect system performance.

Use the Data Import Tool

To access the Data Import Tool, go to Home > Administration > Data Import Tool. The Data Import Tool page lists all of the data import templates processed for the past 30 days.

The Loaded time stamp displays the time at which the page was last refreshed.

Manage the template grid

  • — To search for templates that were processed during a specific time frame, click to select the appropriate date range. By default, today’s date and the 30 days preceding it appear when you first open the page.
  • — To filter the results in each column, click next to each column heading. An inline field appears in which you can enter the name of specific entries in the column. Begin typing the first few letters and results matching those letters appear at the top of the grid.
  • Column headers — Click the column headers to sort the templates list in either ascending or descending order.
    • Template Name — Name of the template.
    • Status — The status of the import process. Statuses include Submitted, In Progress, Completed, Completed with Errors and Failed.
    • Progress — Indicates the percentage of completion of a job in real time.
    • Executed By — User who initiated the import.
    • Executed Date — Date and time at which the import was initiated.
    • Completion Date — Date and time at which the imported completed.
    • Job Details — To view details related to an imports progress, click View Details.

Import data

To import data:

  1. Click Import/Export Data. The Import/Export Data side panel appears.
  2. From the Template drop down list, select the appropriate template. To search for a specific template, enter the first few letters of its name. Select the appropriate template from the search results. If you are creating a custom template, go to Creating a custom export template from a base template.
  3. Template information
  4. Field names and their corresponding field types appear based upon the template selection. To view an example of a value for each field type, click next to each field type.
  5. Click Done.

Creating a custom export template from a base template

Exporting or importing a custom created template allows you to select specific attributes and, in turn, creates smaller, manageable files that you can reimport.

  1. Click Import / Export and select Export.
  2. Select Custom Template.
  3. Select a base template. The base template is the template in which you want to make edits.
  4. From Fields, select the fields that you want to export. The selected fields appear in Fields to Export. If a selected field has an "x", you can remove it from Fields to Export, otherwise the field is mandatory.
  5. Click Description to enter a description. For example: Selected only Person Number field for export.
  6. In Save as, enter a file name to be used by the system when saving the exported or imported file. This name appears in the list of available custom templates.
  7. Select your Custom Template and run the export.
  8. Select the saved custom template. The export entry appears on the template list page.
  9. Click Import / Export. An entry appears on the template list page with a progress indicator. When the {export / import} completes, click View Details.Use base template to import.

Example of importing a custom template
To use your custom template to update the data, select the base template in the import section. In this example, the user created a custom template called "Update Badge" from the People-Person Export template. The user can then re-import data by selecting the People-Person Load template.

Template options

Select the appropriate response to “What would you like to do with this template?

  • View Template - Click View Template to access a template specific details page.
  • Download Template - Download the template file to your system as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.