View Details

The View Details provides an overview of each template's import status including information about records processing.

  • Template Name — Name of the template.

  • Executed By — User who initiated the import.

  • Executed On — Date on which the import was initiated.

  • Status — The status of the import process. Statuses include Submitted, In Progress, Completed, Completed with Errors and Failed.

  • Number of Records — Total number of records.

  • Number of Errors — Total number of erroneous records.

  • Records Skipped — Number of records excluded from processing.

  • Records Posted — Number of records that were successfully imported into the system (Number of Records - Records Skipped = Records Posted).

  • Percent Completed — Represents the amount of progress made by the system with respect to the data import process. After the import process completes, the remaining value changes to 0.