Override Wage and Work Rules

When an employee works a transferred job, they may get paid differently than their primary job. In an employee's person record, you can configure wage and work rule overrides for the locations and jobs in the employee's job transfer set (including Manager Additions).

Overrides are effective dated and can contain a change to the wage, a change to the work rule, or both. The maximum number of overrides for an employee per time period is 100.

  • For multiple assignment employees use the wage and work rule override within the assignment. See Assignment-based wage and work rules.
  • When using both Adjustment Rules and Wage & Work Rule Overrides, if there is an overlap or conflict with the configuration of the accounts, wages, and so on, the Adjustment Rule configuration takes precedence.
  1. Go to Main menu > Maintenance > People Information.
  2. Select an employee.
  3. Go to Timekeeping and expand Employee Role.
  4. Click the Override Wage & Work Rules link and then select or specify the effective date.
  5. The list includes all locations and jobs available for the selected or specified effective date that are in the employee's Job Transfer Set (including Manager Additions). If a period or date in the past is selected, changes may generate historical corrections.
  6. Enter overrides for wage and work rules. Values in the Wage and Work Rule columns can be edited. Override values only shows only the locations and jobs that have wage or work rule overrides. Currency for wage is the assigned currency in the employee's person record.
  7. Click Save.