Configure schedule periods

Schedule periods define the time period that Scheduler loads when you select the previous, current, or next schedule period. The schedule period can be up to one year, and it can differ from the pay period.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Schedule Periods.
  2. Click New to create a new schedule period, or select an existing schedule period and click Duplicate, Edit, or Delete.

    Note: Schedule periods link to Display Profiles, which link to employees in People Information. You cannot delete a schedule period until you disassociate the Display Profile from the schedule period.

  3. Enter a Name and a Description.
  4. Select a Start Date. This date determines the start day of the week displayed in the Schedule Planner.
  5. Select the number of days (1-365) or weeks (1-52) for the Schedule Interval.
  6. (Optional) Select Extend end date by one day in Schedule Planner to extend the schedule period by one day.
  7. This option is typically used to provide employees with their schedule for two full weekends. If the typical work week is Sunday through Saturday, selecting this option generates the schedule with one extra day at the end of the schedule period to ensure employees know what their work commitment is for the entire weekend.

    By default, this option is not selected.

    Note: This option is available only when the Extend Schedule Period in Schedule Planner feature switch is enabled. For more information, see Feature Switch.

  8. Click Save, Save and New, or Refresh.
  9. Assign the schedule period to a Display Profile, as described in Display ProfilesDisplay Profiles.