Organize data in a crosstab

A crosstab displays data in a row-and-column matrix that has a spreadsheet-like appearance. The crosstab is used to summarize data in a compact and concise format, and display summary, or aggregate, values such as sums, counts, or averages. A crosstab groups these values by one set of data listed down the left of the matrix and another set of data listed across the top of the matrix.

A crosstab typically uses data from at least three fields, as follows:

  • One field populates the column headings in the crosstab. There is one column for each unique value in the field.
  • One field populates the row headings in the crosstab. There is one row for each unique value in the field.
  • One field populates the summary field of the crosstab. Report Studio aggregates the values in one field and displays these values in the crosstab cells.


You can use Report Studio to insert a crosstab in a report design, select data for the crosstab, and specify the aggregate data to display. You can also define a bookmark for a crosstab, and then create a hyperlink from another report that links to the bookmarked crosstab element.