Edit and format tables

An important part of the report design process is to format the report for optimum efficiency and completeness. To format an element, first select and right-click the element. Then, select the formatting action. You cannot select a single row of data in a table, nor can you select a single data value, unless the value is an aggregate calculation or a column header. To highlight a particular row or value, use conditional formatting.


If you already designed a report but now need to edit it, do the following:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup.
  2. From the Setup page, select Common Setup > Unpublished Reports. The Report Management - Unpublished Reports page opens.
  3. Select a report and click Edit . Report Studio opens in a new tab with the report displayed.

Note: After you apply a number, date-and-time, or string format to a column of data, you can restore the original format that the data source specifies. To do so, select the column, select Format Data, and the select Unformatted.