Open Shift Pay Incentive

Note: This extension, a combined integration and workflow model, is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

The Open Shift Pay Incentive integration extension automatically offers incentives to employees for working open shifts. Incentive premiums, which range from monetary amounts to overtime pay, are based on how early a shift is accepted. Early acceptance results in higher incentive values, which automatically decrease as the date of the open shift approaches. By encouraging employees to accept open shifts as soon as possible, the schedule is fully staffed more rapidly.

The integration extension allows organizations to divide future schedule periods into different tiers, or optionally, zones. Each tier is configured with one of three incentive types:

  • Fixed money

  • Variable money

  • Overtime

The extension allows:

  • Configuration of different incentives for each tier or zone.

  • Manager discretion to adjust the incentive for certain shifts.

  • Control over incentives using an open-shifts-to-required-shifts ratio.

For customers who want more detailed control when rewarding incentives, the integration accommodates the timing of some open shifts. This includes:

  • Time of day

  • Day of week

  • Public holiday

Incentive periods - Tiers

This integration allows users to divide future incentive periods into as many as 6 tiers. Tiers can be one week, two weeks, or any range of dates. The start of the incentive period begins on the current date, and automatically rolls forward each day.

  • The current date is always part of tier 1. Future periods, falling outside the tier range, are not part of the incentive process.

  • Although not required, the best practice is to configure adjacent tiers. Open shifts found in gaps between tiers cannot receive incentives.

Incentive periods - Zones

Incentive periods can be based on schedule zones, shift sets, or custom zones. Combining zones is allowed. For example, an open shift that falls on a Friday during the Late 15-23 zone can be configured to reward an employee with an incentive of $5.00 for each shift hour. You have the option to reward incentives by solely utilizing zones, however, at least one 365-day tier with zero amount incentives must first be configured.

Incentive allocation

It is possible that open shifts do not always align with Time of day zones. For example, the night shift is configured from 11:00PM - 7:00AM, but an ad-hoc open shift is created for 9:00PM - 5:00AM. Incentive allocations allow you to choose how the calculation handles these occurrences:

  • Zone with shift start — The zone where the shift time started determines the incentive.

  • Zone with majority hours — The zone where the majority of the shift hours are located determines the incentive.

  • Corresponding zone — The respective zone for each shift hour determines the corresponding incentive. This option is only supported when incentives are configured with custom zones.

Incentive types

After completing tier configuration, incentive types are assigned by Location and Job, and by Tier. This flexibility with incentive payment allows you to associate harder-to-fill jobs with higher incentives and to configure different incentive types for each tier. By configuring each consecutive tier with a different amount, the incentive can be adjusted as the date of the open shift approaches. For example, a money incentive could be offered in the first week with the incentive changing to an overtime offer as the shift date approaches.

Incentive types include:

  • Fixed money: Employee receives a fixed amount for the entire open shift.

  • Variable money: Employee receives an amount that varies with the length of the open shift. For example, an hourly amount. Organizations have the option to exclude scheduled breaks when calculating the shift length.

  • Overtime, which is handled with a work rule transfer: Employee receives a work rule transfer that determines the award value, such as higher overtime rates or paid breaks, for the open shift.

Open-shifts-to-required-shifts ratio

Users can configure a ratio of open to required shifts. By setting a minimum threshold, customers prevent incentive awards from being offered when the calculated open shift ratio equals or falls below the threshold. Only when the calculated open shift ratio exceeds the threshold is the incentive awarded.

Manager Discretion

Managers can override the incentive offered for an open shift by increasing or decreasing the amount. They can also cancel the incentive for any open shift.

  • Override the incentive amount

    The incentive amount is controlled with a Comment Note attached to the open shift; it can be adjusted manually at any time. The Shift Label must also be changed, since it serves as the visual clue in Self Service. This is a calculated amount and must be updated with the correct value.

  • Cancel the incentive

    To prevent a new incentive from being added to the next run, attach a special purpose comment, such as “No Incentive,” to the open shift. When the process finds this comment, the open shift is skipped and no longer receives an incentive.