Dynamic Paycode Allocation for Activities

Note: This integration is an extension that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

The Dynamic Paycode Allocation for Activities extension proportionally distributes absence hours on the occurrence date to activities worked during the same pay period.

For organizations that rely on UKG Pro Workforce Management Activities to track labor, this dynamic allocation calculates the ratio of an employee’s worked hours for each activity to the total worked hours for all activities in the pay period. It then distributes absence hours, such as vacation or sick, on the occurrence date, to the appropriate activities.

Before activating the integration, an administrator will:

  • Identify the activities to which absence hours are allocated.

  • Define the number of pay periods included in the allocation process.

  • Determine whether processing is allowed in signed-off periods.