Group Edit completed or Group Edit failed

These notifications are sent when a Group Edit has completed or failed. The notification is automatically sent to the manager who initiated the edit.

To create a Group Edit Completed or Failed notification:

  1. Navigate to the Workflow Notifications setup page and select one of the following:
    • Group edit completed
    • Group edit failed
  2. Enter a name and description.
  3. Select a priority (Low, Medium, or High) for the notification. The priority is used to drive Notification Profiles and delivery methods.
  4. If configuring Group Edit Failed, enter one or more recipients.
  5. (Optional) In the Message area, customize the Subject, Long Message, and Short Message text boxes by using the custom tags. To include the list of employees in the notification, insert the Employee List custom tag in either the Subject or Message of the notification. For more information, see Message area .
  6. Click Save of Save and Return.

Custom tags

  • Group Edit Date — The effective date and time.
  • Group Edit Details — Includes paycode, amount, and effective date.
  • Group Edit Status — Completed or failed.
  • Group Edit Type — For example, new punch, new amount, or update accrual balances.
  • Group Edit User — The manager who initiated the edit.
  • Number of Failed Employees — The total number of employees who did not successfully receive edits.
  • Number of Succeeded Employees — The total number of employees who successfully received edits.
  • Total Number of Employees — The total number of employees selected for the group edit.