Event status

This notification sends the status of an event to the manager who initiated or scheduled the event and any other users that you specify. The notification is sent by e-mail only.

The notification is not sent if the event fails to start or shuts down due to operating or hardware errors.

To create an Event Status notification:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Event/Notification > Workflow Notifications.
  2. Select New and then select Event Status.
  3. Enter a name and description.
  4. Although you can select a priority (Low, Medium, or High) for the notification, this field has no effect for this type of notification.
  5. Enter one or more recipients.
  6. In the Message area, customize the Subject, Long Message, and Short Message text boxes by using the custom tags. For more information, see Message area .
  7. Click Save.

Custom tags

  • Event Details — Specific information about the event.
  • Event Name — The name that was given to the event when it was originally configured.
  • Event Server Date — Use this tag instead of Event Details when the detail is only a date. This tag displays localized dates.
  • Host Name — The application server upon which the event is stored.