Business Processes Setup overview

Business Processes are organized flows of business activities or tasks that achieve a business goal.

  • You can describe anything that you can do in any business application as a Business Process, for example, add an employee, edit a timecard, approve a timecard, totalize time, or post a schedule.
  • Automation in Business Processes minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete a process. For example, managers and employees receive automatically generated messages and complete online forms during the course of the Business Process.

You can customize Business Processes as:

  • Extensions to configurable workflows. Example: Validate time-off requests.
  • Stand-alone Business Processes. Example: Approve updates to personal information.

Administrators, managers, or employees start or respond to Business Processes from the Business Process tile on their home page, the GoTo control, the Control Center, Attestation Punch Tile, Smart View from devices or from notifications.

Caution: Business Processes can access almost any data in the system. To preserve data security and privacy, make sure that only trusted personnel have permissions to create and assign Business Processes, and that they do so in a way that protects data and prevents exposure of data to people who are not privileged to access that data.