Configure Offline Attestation

When a data collection device (timeclock or terminal) is offline, employee punches are collected and then processed when the device comes back online. Note that this does not apply to the Mobile App. The Mobile App does not support Offline Attestation transactions.

You can also configure Attestation questions and answers that are also collected and processed when the device returns to online status.

The following actions can be associated with an Offline Attestation answer:

  • Add Comment
  • Add Paycode
  • Cancel punch
  • Cancel Deductions (all or specific)
  • Send Workflow Notification

For example, you could configure the following question:

  • Question: Did you take your meal break today?
  • Answers: Yes or No. If the employee answers No, it could trigger a workflow notification to the employee's manager or apply a paycode edit to apply a bonus.
  • The Daily Detail and Attestation Summary reports list all offline questions and answers.