Tracking Periods

(missing or bad snippet)The tracking period is based on either:

  • Scheduled days - Scheduled days are days on which an employee is scheduled to work. The scheduled days option counts only those days that the employee is scheduled to work.
  • Calendar days - Calendar days are days from the calendar with no gaps and define a time period length.

New tracking periods are assigned an Active status. Activate a tracking period before you can use it in Attendance configurations. You cannot associate an inactive tracking period with an attendance profile when you are configuring a new attendance profile. If you inactivate a tracking period that is already associated with an attendance profile, the attendance policy continues to work in that attendance profile.

All rules associated with an attendance policy inherit the tracking period that is defined in that attendance policy.

Tracking periods for an attendance policy are selected when you configure the policy.

You can only select fixed tracking periods for an expiration time frame (such as 365 or 90 days), during which points exist in the employee record.

To enable points to roll off the calendar as the tracking period moves forward in time, select a balance type with expiring points. the expiration date triggers the change.

(missing or bad snippet)

Create a tracking period

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Tracking Periods.
  2. Click Tap New.
  3. Enter a unique Tracking Period Name.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description — Describe the tracking period (maximum of 250 characters).
  5. Select the Tracking Period Type:
    • Rolling — Looks back in time for the specified length of time, counting back from today. A rolling period can be based on a number of days, weeks, months, or quarters and on a calendar or schedule.
    • Fixed — Based on the calendar and can correspond to a number of days, weeks, months, quarters, scheduled days, or pay periods.
  6. Specify the tracking period Length — Select a time frame from the list of tracking periods and enter the length of the time frame that you want to track. The maximum length is 3650 characters.
  7. Click Save.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to Create Document templates