Perfect attendance policies

Perfect Attendance policy rules are based on perfect attendance definitions, which are based on specific attendance events, attendance patterns, combined events, and lost time events. When an employee attains perfect attendance, the system grants reward points, invokes an action, or moves the employee to a different discipline level.

If your perfect attendance policy is based on fixed calendar months, the employee must complete an entire calendar month or months without any attendance infractions.

Create a perfect attendance policy

New perfect attendance policies are assigned Active status.

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Attendance Policies.
  2. Enter an internal Policy Name.
  3. Select the Discipline level from the drop-down.
  4. Select the tracking period type from Fixed or Rolling. Then select a previous defined tracking period from the list.
  5. Click Tap Save.
  6. On the General tab complete the following:
    1. In Reference Start Date, choose the start date type from either fixed or rolling periods to determine when the tracking period starts for the policy. You can only select fixed tracking periods for an expiration time frame (such as 365 or 90 days), during which points exist in the employee record.
    2. In Main Balance, select a balance type of points or time.
    3. To enable points to roll off the calendar as the tracking period moves forward in time, select a balance type with expiring points or a time frame that indicates how long the points can exist in the employee record.
    4. If the points can expire for this policy, select Amounts awarded by this policy expire.
    5. If this policy cancels expirations from discipline policies, select The policy negates expirations from discipline policies.
    6. Expiration Period appears if the previous selections enable expiring point. If this drop-down list appears, select a time frame.
    7. In Policy Processing Exemptions, select Extend tracking periods or Extend expiration periods. Only one is enabled depending on previous selections.
    8. In Combined Event, select an event that allows extending a tracking period or expiration.
    9. Select Extends tracking periods if tracking periods can be extended.
    10. Select Extends expiration periods if expiration periods can be extended.
  7. On the Rules tab complete the following:

    If perfect attendance points negate discipline points, and the discipline points expire, too many points can be reversed to make up for the discipline points. A point negation for the perfect attendance deduction occurs after the close of the tracking period.

    For Example:Discipline points are awarded (+2 points) and a perfect attendance is awarded (–1 point). If the discipline points expire (–2 points), the point balance is –1. A perfect attendance negation transaction of +1 brings the balance to zero (0).

    1. In Perfect Attendance, select from the list of definitions.
    2. In Points/Hours, enter the number of points or hours granted when an employee meets the criteria of the selected perfect attendance definition. You can assign negative points to enable an employee to earn back points.
    3. In Action, select an action if an action affects an employee with perfect attendance.
    4. In Move Employee to Discipline Level, select a discipline level. To ensure that the rolling tracking period in a perfect attendance policy spans the policy’s discipline levels, select the same perfect attendance definition for every discipline level in the perfect attendance policy.
    5. In Proceed After Discipline Level Change, which is enabled after selecting a change to discipline levels, the processor continues to process all remaining rules and policies of the original discipline level. By continuing to process additional rules and policies, if the employee qualifies for multiple discipline-level moves on the same day, the employee remains in the level-move that is processed last. If not selected, processing for the day will end with the level move.
    6. In Balance Modification, choose to reset or adjust the specified rule balance. If the Rule Balance Reset and the Tracking Period Balance Reset for the policy are resetting the same balance, the Tracking Period Reset for the policy takes precedence. If the Rule Balance Adjustment and the Tracking Period Balance for the policy are modifying the same balance, the two balance amounts are added to the current balance.
    7. In Amount, enter a value for modifying balances. If the amount is for a Reset, the amount must fall within the minimum and maximum range for the balance type. If the amount is for an Adjustment, the amount must be less than the difference of the minimum and maximum values.
    8. In Balance Type, select from the categories. if you select an expiring balance type, choose an associated Expiration Period.
    9. In Expiration Period choose, an Expiration Period. Select None if the balance does not expire.
    10. In Extends Expiration Period, select a Combined Event that extends the expiration period. This selection is appears if you have selected an Expiration Period. If you select None, the expiration is not extended.
    11. In Alert, select an alert to send to appropriate employees when a policy rule is triggered.
  8. Click Save.