Transfer business structure, work rule, cost center, or labor category (managers)
Every employee has a home account that is the derived values for business structure (job), labor categories, and the cost center linked to the business structure, if any, that are stored in CombHomeAcct table.
- The business structure defines where the work can be done.
- The cost center defines who pays for the work.
- Labor categories define what work can be done.
Each transfer type has specific conditions:
- Business structure — In the timecard, this is based on the intersection between the employee's assigned Job Transfer Set and the manager's Job Transfer Set. Transfers performed from the Schedule Planner or using a group edit Changes made to more than one employee record at a time, for example, add or delete a paycode or punch to a group of timecards. use only the manager's Job Transfer Set.
- Work rule — Is based on the employee's assigned Work Rule Profile.
- Cost center — Multiple, dynamic options exist:
- Select cost center — Always available (if employee has permission) and includes full list of cost centers for selection, not controlled by a profile.
- Primary cost center — Dynamically displays if the employee's primary job has a linked cost center in the business structure.
- Scheduled cost center — Dynamically displays if the selected job for transfer has a linked cost center in the business structure. This will be the default selection if the condition is met.
- When the Scheduled Cost Center is defaulted, it initially displays as part of the transfer string. Because the cost center is derived and not user-selected, the value does not display in the transfer string after totals are calculated.
- Labor categories — Are based on the following conditions:
- The employee is assigned a Labor Category Profile.
- Labor categories/entries are available based on the intersection between the employee's Labor Category Profile and the Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned.'s Labor Category List assignments (is based on either the employee's primary job or the selected business structure/job transfer).
You can transfer a punch The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer., paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick., or project from a primary job to a different business structure, work rule, cost center, or labor category. System validation depends on where the manager is making the transfer from (the timecard or the Schedule Planner) and whether the manager is making a transfer for one employee or a group of employees.
- In the timecard, when a manager initiates a transfer for one employee, the labor categories are populated based on the intersection between the employee's assigned Job Transfer Set and the manager's Job Transfer Set.
- When a manager initiates a transfer for a group of employees (a group edit), or from the Schedule Planner, labor categories are based only on the manager's Job Transfer Set.
In both cases, the transfer is validated when the manager saves the transaction. This means that if a manager selects a transfer job Jobs that an employee can perform but that are not the employee's primary job. that is not part of the employee's job transfer set or if the location's labor category list does not include that job, the transfer is rejected with a validation error message to that extent.
Make a transfer
The way that you make a transfer differs depending on whether you are using the table view or the list view.
- Select a cell in the Transfer column.
- Click the arrow
. The last five transfers you made are listed. If the transfer you want is not listed, click Search. The transfer panel opens.
- Select the appropriate day.
- In the day detail panel, click tap Add Punch, Add Paycode, or Add Transfer.
- In the Transfer field, click tap the arrow
. The Transfer panel opens.
- To identify the current and updated settings, click tap the information icon
. - Quick links at the bottom of the panel enable you to navigate easily from one type of transfer to another.
In the Transfer panel, select from the following:
The business structure defines where employees can work. To change the business structure:
- Click Tap Add Business Structure.
- In the Business Structure area, depending on your configuration, do one of the following:
- Select from the default list of locations and jobs (this list is based on the current job) or search by Location, Job, or both. You can also select Browse Entire List to view the various levels of the business structure.
- Use the arrows
to select the various levels of the business structure. To move back, use the left arrow . You can also enter all or part of the desired business structure name in the Search box, then click tap Search. - Select locations and jobs from the drop-down lists.
- When finished, click tap OK.
To remove the business structure, click tap Clear
To change the work rule, click tapAdd Work Rule and then select a new work rule from the drop-down box. You can also enter all or part of the desired work rule in the Search box.
To change the cost center:
- Click Tap Add Cost Center.
- Click Tap the down arrow
and select from the list of available cost centers. You can also enter part or all of a cost center name or description in the Search box. - Click Tap OK.
The labor category defines the work that employees can do within an organization. To change the labor category:
- Click Tap Add Labor Category.
- In the Labor Category area, select options from the labor category drop-down lists. There can be up to 6 labor category lists. You can also enter part or all of a labor category name or description in the Search box.
- When finished, click tap OK.
For hourly timecards The type of timecard used by employees who punch in and out several times each day., if you know the business structure work rule, cost center, or labor category of the transfer, you can enter it directly or copy and paste it into the appropriate field. The format is:
Business Structure;Work Rule;Cost Center;Labor Category1,2,..,6;
Each transfer type is separated by a semicolon, and the transfer string ends with a semicolon. There can be 0 to 6 labor categories, each separated by commas.
When an employee or a manager performs a transfer, the behavior of the default labor categories depends on the system setting site.timekeeping.retainDefaultLaborCategory. If the setting is set to true, then the default labor categories persist for a transaction where the explicit transfer either excludes that category or does not include a valid labor category entry for that category. When set to false (the default), then the default labor categories do not persist.
Example 1 - Add a project code to a Primary Job
Joe Edwards is assigned to work on a job represented in the system as PC.
Joe's valid Labor Categories are PC, U1, E1, E2, E3, S1, S2 and the default Labor Categories for Joe's primary job (assigned in People Information) are U1, E2, S1.
When Joe performs the job transfer, the following occurs:
- If the system setting is set to true, the transfer account receives the Labor Category selection of PC, E2, S1.
- If the system setting is set to false, the transfer account only receives the transferred job of PC.
Example 2 - Change a shift
Joe has a doctor's appointment and needs to work Shift 2 (S2) instead of his default Shift 1(S1). Joe performs a transfer to Shift 2 (S2).
Joe's valid Labor Categories are PC, U1, E1, E2, E3, S1, S2
Joe's default labor categories for his primary job are U1, E2, S1.
- If the system setting is set to true, the transfer account receives the Labor Category selection of U1, E2, S2.
- If the system setting is set to false, the transfer account only receives the transferred shift of S2.