Target Hours add-on

Target hours (also called averaging) provides managers with the ability to view data with the goal of seeing the variance between the target hours as defined in the employment terms and the actual hours the employee worked. It also helps provide flexibility to schedule employees to align with fluctuations in business demand. Instead of simply scheduling employees for their weekly contract hours regardless of demand, you can distribute an employee’s contractual hours over a longer time horizon. This helps avoid paying overtime when demand is high or suffering from wage leakage when demand is low.

The Target Hours add-on at the bottom of the timecard enables you to manage actual hours as compared to target hours.

To select the columns to display, click filter and select from the following:

  • Assignment — For multiple assignment employees, this column lists the assignment that was worked for the related hours. The target hours defined in the employment terms for that assignment are used in the target hours calculations.
  • Date Pattern Name — The name of the date pattern(s) defined in the work hours definition of the employee’s assigned Employment Terms. A separate date pattern is used to derive each reported target, and each date pattern configured will have its own reporting row for each employee.
  • Reporting Period
  • Variance — The variance derived by subtracting the actual totals through the end of the current date pattern(s) associated with the work hours definition from the target number of hours for the work hours definition through the end of the period
  • Actual — Actual totals through the date selected in the timecard
  • Projected — Projected totals for the current date pattern(s) associated with the work hours definition
  • Target — The target number of hours for the current reporting period, derived according to the work hours definition method, either contract, schedule, or specified number of hours.

In the Periods that Include box, enter the date to include and click tap Apply. The columns are populated with the appropriate information.

Note: To view Target hours in the add-on, the Include in Averaging Dataview option must be selected in the employee's assigned Employment Terms. To verify this, go to Administration > Application Setup > Employment Terms > Employment Terms, and then select and open the Employment Term. Select the Work Hours Definition tab and then select Include in Averaging Dataview.