Make historical corrections in My Timecard

After a pay period is signed off, your time is submitted to payroll. Before the pay period is signed off, you may be able to remove signoff, make a correction, and then sign off the timecard again. After the pay period is signed off, you cannot make changes until the payroll process is completed.

If you have the required access rights, you may be able to change your timecard after payroll is completed for a signed-off pay period. These types of changes are called historical corrections Edits that occur after timecards are approved and signed-off..

You edit a signed-off timecard just as you do in the current timecard. For example, you select a signed-off pay period and correct missed punches The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. or modify vacation amounts. The system generates corrections, which are reflected in the previous and current pay periods.


Cells in a signed-off timecard might be uneditable because of payroll processing, or because you do not have access to the Edit signed-off timecard function.

Also note that if you have the required access rights, you can make historical edits regardless of whether your timecard has been approved.