Accruals add-on

The Accruals add-on, which is located at the bottom of the timecard, displays information such as accrued sick and vacation time. The information that appears depends on the timeframe selected in the timecard and how the add-on has been configured.

  • If you select a date range, accruals for the first day appear.
  • As you click tap on days in the selected time period, the accruals reflect the available balances, taking into consideration any upcoming grants or requests, for the same time period.
  • If you click tap on a flanking day or a make-up day, the timecard continues to display the last selected day in the time period.
  • The information that appears on the Accruals add-on is based on the accrual columns selected when the tab was created.

When you select the Accruals add-on, each accrual type is listed in a separate row with the available and ending balance displayed. Tap the arrow to open the accrual detail page. The following information is listed:

  • Available Balance — The accrual balance on the first day of the reporting period.
  • Ending Balance — The accrual balance on the last day of the reporting period.
  • Opening Vested Balance — The vested balance on the first day of the reporting period
  • Tracking Period — The timeframe for which accruals are tracked.

When you select the Accruals add-on, the information that displays depends on the add-on configuration and can include the following (note that since label names are customizable, the column headings may appear differently):

  • Accrual Code Name — The name of the accrual code.
  • Accrual Code Type — The code tied to the accrual policy determined by the Accrual Profile assigned to the employee.
  • Accrual Units — The accrual type: hours, money, or days.
  • Available Balance — The encumbered balance for an accrual code. The encumbered balance is the amount available on the selected day, after future requests and grants are taken into consideration. The balance is based on all time, not limited to the Accrual reporting period or the loaded timeframe.

  • The Opening Vested Balance and Ending Vested Balance are the starting and ending balances of the current Accrual Tracking Period, which may not be aligned with the loaded timeframe.

  • Current Vested Balance — The current balance for an accrual code without upcoming grants or requests for the same time period.
  • Current Probationary Balance — The Current Probationary Balance for the reporting period.
  • Accrual Reporting Period — The reporting period in which the "as-of" date falls, all fields below are relative to this period.
  • Opening Vested Balance — Vested balance on the first day of the reporting period.
  • Opening Probationary Balance — Probationary balance on the first day of the reporting period.
  • Ending Vested Balance — Vested balance in the accrual on the last day of the reporting period.
  • Earned to date — Grants for the accrual between the first day of the reporting period and the "as of" date.
  • Taken to date — Withdrawals, or takings, from the accrual between the first day of the reporting period and the "as of" date.
  • Planned Takings — Withdrawals, or Takings, from the accrual that are entered between the "as-of" date and the end of the reporting period.
  • Pending Grants — Grants expected to occur between the "as-of" date and the end of the reporting period.
  • Prior ending balance — This is an alternate starting point for the reporting period. It differs from Opening Vested Balance in that it does not include any grant or taking activity that occurs on the first day of the reporting period. It is the balance on the last day of the prior reporting period after all grants and takings have occurred on that date
  • Prior Period Ending Probationary Balance — The ending probationary balance for the prior reporting period.
  • Prior Period Ending Vested Balance — The ending vested Balance for the prior reporting period.
  • Ending Probationary Balance — The ending Probationary Balance for the reporting period.

Click maximize-minimize to maximize the accruals area and click it again to minimize it.

Click X to close the add-on.