Accruals actions (managers)
Accruals are amounts of time (in days or hours) or money that a person has earned, commonly referred to as leave time, paid time off, or benefit time. Accruals include time events such as personal days, vacation, or sick time. Each event is assigned an accrual code, and each code has a measurement unit, or type, of days, hours, or money. For example, an employee accrues time in a vacation or sick day category or accrues money for in a bonus or uniforms category.
Depending on your access, the Reset Accruals, Move Accruals Amount, and Pay Out Accruals Amount options appear on the Accruals Actions

The Reset Accrual option enables you to transfer a probationary balance to a vested amount when the probationary period ends. You can reset the accrual code, the vested amount, the probationary amount, or the effective date.
- Select an accrual in the Accruals add-on.
- From the Accruals Actions
menu, select Reset Accruals. - In the Reset Accrual Balances panel, enter the following:
- Effective Date
- Accrual Code
- Vested Amount
- Probation Amount
- Click Tap Apply.
The amount is displayed in the Accruals add-on at the bottom of the timecard.

The Move Accruals option enables you to move an accrual amount from one accrual code to another. For example, you can move accrued sick time to vacation time.
- Select an accrual in the Accruals add-on.
- From the Accruals Actions
menu, select Move Accruals Amount. - In Move Accrual Amount panel, enter the following:
- Effective Date
- From Accrual Code
- To Accrual Code
- Amount (hh:mm)
- Click Tap Apply.
The amount is displayed in the Accruals add-on at the bottom of the timecard.

The Pay Out Accruals Amount enables managers to perform accrual payouts. An accrual payout depletes the balance of an accrual code and generates a taking in the form of a paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edit in the timecard.
Accrual payouts can be performed for any employee but can be helpful to payout accruals for terminated or inactive employees since payouts can occur in signed off or non-signed off pay periods.
Note: If there are unsaved changes in the employee's timecard, then accrual payouts are subject to accrual validation.
Warning: Accrual payout can fail if the associated accrual policy Defines how and when balances for accrual codes are credited and debited. has a taking limit. If the payout date occurs in a signed-off pay period, it is recommended to remove the taking limit from the accrual policy before performing the payout.
To pay out an accrual amount:
- Open the timecard for the employee you want to pay out accruals.
- Select the appropriate pay period for the accrual. You can select signed-off pay periods.
- Note: If you select a signed-off pay period, first enable edits. For more information, see Enable edits in signed-off time period from the Employee Summary page.
- From the Accruals Actions
menu, select Pay Out Accruals Amount. - In the Pay Out Accrual panel, select the Effective Date and the Accrual Code, then click Apply.
- Pay outs appear in the timecard as follows:
- If a payout is performed in a non-signed off pay period, then a pay code edit is added to the timecard on the selected effective date.
- If the payout is performed in a signed-off pay period, then the pay code edit is added on the selected effective date and a pending historical correction Edits that occur after timecards are approved and signed-off. appears in the Historical Corrections add-on.
- An audit record is created for an accrual payout and appears as a paycode edit insertion.

The following access control points in a manager's FAP control access to the options on the Accruals Actions
- Move Accruals in Timecard Editor
- Reset Accruals in Timecard Editor
- Timecard Accrual Pay Out

When a regular paycode edit or time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. uses a paycode that is configured as a taking paycode in an accrual policy, and the paycode edit or time-off request causes the balance of the accrual policy’s accrual code to fall below the overdraft limit of the accrual policy, the system generally validates the request, and, if appropriate, displays an error message.
There are certain situations in which the system does not perform the validation or generate an error message, including the following:
- System-generated results, such as auto-resolved, justified exceptions, and short fall editing (automatic makeup of expected work time in an averaging period via cascading paycode edits) are not validated.
Note: Although accrual validation is not applied to duration edits generated by the Auto-Resolved Absences feature, if a paycode edit with no accrual implication is added on the same day as the duration edit, it triggers a validation error on the Auto-Resolved duration on that day. The error occurs when totalization occurs because users click tap on another row or use the Calculate Totals option. No validation error occurs if you save the timecard immediately after the edit.
- The system generates an accrual validation error message when the amount of day-based paycode edit with an associated duration paycode, entered in the timecard or schedule editor, exceeds the accrual balance. However, when the same paycode is associated with a time-off request, no message is displayed.
When duration paycodes are validated, the hours reported for paycode balance and overdrawn amounts will be cumulative when crossing the day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred., and the Hours Belong to option in the Fixed Rule is set to Day Actually Worked.
Although a validation error message occurs, the data and computations are correct. The error message is reporting a cumulative total (on the second day) of hours over the limit. This is correct for duration paycodes.
Duration edits are only validated one year into the future. Hours and cascading edits are validated beyond a year.
- The system validates duration paycode edits that cross the day divide against the day on which the shift begins, or the Scheduled in-day. This occurs even when the Hours belong to option in the Fixed Rule is set to Scheduled out-day.