Cancel Requests

You can cancel most requests with a submitted or pending status (self-schedule, request to cover, and so on). Time-off requests Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. are the only types of requests with an approved status that you can cancel.

You cannot cancel shift swap requests Employees can exchange their scheduled shift with a shift scheduled for another qualified employee.. Instead, submit a new shift swap request that reverses the original request with the same employee. See Request Shift Swaps from My Calendar for more information.

Note: You are not prompted to confirm a cancel request action. The cancel request action takes effect immediately.

You can cancel requests from My Calendar and from the Control Center.

Cancel requests from My Calendar

  1. Display My Calendar using one of these methods:
  2. Click Tap the Requests tab.
  3. Select the request you want to cancel. 
  4. Click Tap More 
  5. Click Tap Cancel Request 
    Note: You are not prompted to confirm request cancellations.
    • If the request is in a submitted or pending state, the request displays Cancelled.
    • If the request has already been approved, the request displays:
      • Cancel Submitted. Once the cancellation is acted on by your manager, the request displays:
        • Cancel Approved if your manager approved the request cancellation.
        • Cancel Refused if your manager refused the request cancellation.

        If no manager action is required, the request displays Cancelled.

Cancel requests from the Control Center

  1. Display the Control Center using one of these methods:
    • On the My Notifications tile, click tap My Requests. This opens the Control Center page on the My Requests category.
    • On the My Notifications tile, click tap View All Notifications , then click tap My Requests.
    • On the navigation bar, click tap Notifications to open the Control Center panel, then locate and click tap the request you want to cancel to display it on the Control Center page.
  2. If necessary, adjust the Filter to display requests with a status of approved, pending, or submitted.
  3. If necessary, select the request you want to cancel. 
  4. On the navigation bar, click tap Cancel .
    Note: You are not prompted to confirm request cancellations.
    • If the request is in a submitted or pending state, the request displays Cancelled.
    • If the request has already been approved, the request displays:
      • Cancel Submitted. Once the cancellation is acted on by your manager, the request displays:
        • Cancel Approved if your manager approved the request cancellation.
        • Cancel Refused if your manager refused the request cancellation.

        If no manager action is required, the request displays Cancelled.

  5. Click Tap  Done