Request Open Shift from My Calendar

Note: This information applies to submitting open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. requests from My Calendar. If you are using My Schedule for employee self-service, see Request Open Shift from My Schedule.

Employees can request to select their own schedule from the times that are available when the request period Defines a time span during which shifts can be changed by an approved request. is open. Open shifts can be requested for the whole shift or, if configured for your system, in partial shifts.

To submit an open-shift request from the Calendar:

  1. Open the Calendar by one of the following methods:
    • Click Tap Home  > My Schedule
    • Click Tap Main Menu  > My Information > My Calendar.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Tap New Request  , then click tap Open Shift.
    • Right-click a day in the future that has a shift. Click Tap Open Shift

    The Request Open Shift panel appears. If open shifts are not displayed, click tap the type of open shift requests you want to display and click tap Apply.

    The Request Open Shift panel displays open shifts for the request types associated with the active employee visibility period Defines both the period when employees can submit requests (submission period) and the period when those request can be applied (request period). and can include:

    • Open shifts

    • Shift Market shifts

  3. Optionally, change how open shifts are displayed and sorted in the Request Open Shift panel:
    • Toggle between Show List and Show Calendar to view the open shifts in different formats.

    • Sort shift display. If Shift Market shifts are included in the display, you can sort all open shifts using one of these controls:

      Note: Shifts that are on the Shift Market show the name of the person who offers the shift if the request to cover subtype is configured with Show Other Employees in Shift Market.

      • Open before market — Available shifts are ordered from the earliest start time. For shifts that have the same start time, display open shifts first.
      • Market before open — Available shifts are ordered from the earliest start time. For shifts that have the same start time, display shifts on the Shift Market first.
    •  Filter shift display. Click Tap Refine  to filter shifts and sort results:
      • Select Locations to display only those shifts in the locations in which you are interested.
      • Select Jobs to display only those jobs in which you are interested.
      • If available, use the Shift Templates A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee. drop-down to choose the shift templates you want the application to use to filter available open shifts.
      • If configured, the shifts displayed when requesting an open shift are those whose attributes match the attributes specified in both the subtype that defines the request subtype Classifications of schedule requests from employees. and all shift templates in the shift template profile that has been assigned to you.
      • Note: By default, the application uses all shift templates displayed in the Shift Templates drop-down for matching. When you explicitly select one or more shift templates from the list displayed in this drop-down, the application uses only those shift templates for matching purposes.
      • Select Shift Start or Shift End times to sort the shifts returned by the locations and jobs filter. For example, if you enter 7:00AM, the system first displays shifts with that start time; shifts with other times follow in their chronological order.
      • Note: The system uses start and end times only to sort shifts.
      • If available, display a list of employees who are also working on the shift.
      • Click Tap Reset to return the filter and sort selections to their default settings.
      • Click Tap Apply to apply the filter and display the resulting shifts. 
      • Note: Filters are saved by the system. See Filter selections are saved following this procedure for more information.
  4. Click Tap the open shift to select it. You can select only one open shift at a time.

    Note: Open shifts that can be requested as partial shifts are indicated with a icon. See Requesting Partial Open Shifts for more information.

  5. (Optional) Click Tap View Details  to review the details about the shift. Click Tap OK to return to the previous screen.
  6. (Optional) Click Tap to scroll to the previous or next day, one shift at a time.
  7. Click Tap Cancel to return to the previous screen without selecting the shift.
  8. Click Tap Submit to submit your requests to a manager.

    Note: If the shift you have selected can be requested as a partial shift, the Submit button is replaced with a Next button, which refreshes the Request Open Shift panel to allow you to fully specify the partial shift request. See Requesting Partial Open Shifts for more information.

  9. Click Tap OK

Filter selections are saved

The system automatically saves the filter settings you specify when you click tap Apply on the Refine Shifts panel. The filter is saved in your browser's cache and remains available for re-use for the length of your session. This filter is not available if you log in to UKG Pro Workforce Management on another computer or start a session in another browser. Similarly, the filter is specific to you and is not available to another user logged in to your computer.

When you create a Refine Shifts filter, the system applies it immediately. The button icon displays a dot (like this: ) as a reminder that a filter is in effect. If you do not see the shifts you expect with the filter settings you have selected:

Click Tap the Refine  button to open the filter, and then either:

  • Modify the existing settings, or
  • Click Tap the Clear Filters button to restore default settings

To turn off the Refine Shifts filter, click tap the Clear Filters button.