Job History - Pipelines

The Job History – Pipeline page displays current and historical information about pipeline jobs, including:

  • The current status of all pipelines, including pipelines that are currently running, ran successfully, not running, already running, or failed. 
  • The job start and end times. Pipelines that are running show no end time until the job finishes.

The wrapper name in bold reflects a summary status for both the wrapper and its pipelines. This summary wrapper has a dash (-) in the Pipeline column.

Pipelines have a status of Success, Not Running, Failed, Already Running, Warning, or Terminated. Note the following:

  • A terminated pipeline is generally one that has been stopped by a Service Reprentative or partner outside the Portal. Terminated wrappers (with a status of Not Running) and pipelines cannot be resumed (restarted) from the Portal.
  • If a pipeline has a Warning status, this indicates a potential Data Hub implementation problem. Contact your administrator or open a service case with UKG Global Support.

See Alert Management for details about failed wrappers and pipelines.