Accrual policies

Accrual policies, which contain accrual codes, grants, and takings, define how and when accrual balances are credited and debited. Accrual policies also define preset amounts and predefined intervals for adjusting accrual balances or codes.

For Example: An accrual policy can specify when to credit a vacation balance by 10 hours or credit a sick balance by 3 days. These preset amounts can be automatically increased or decreased at specific milestones. For example, on the person's fifth-year anniversary, the preset amount can increase to 20 hours each month.

If your site is not licensed for Accruals, you cannot add calculated features to an existing accrual policy or profile. Also, you cannot use them to create new ones. If you are authorized for basic accruals only, you cannot add any of the calculated building blocks, such as fixed grants, carryover limits, date patterns, and recurring probationary periods.

Accrual policy versions

You can create multiple versions of an accrual policy using effective dating. All attributes of an accrual policy can be versioned except for the policy name. Use the Version Effective Dates fields to create accrual policy versions.

Create, edit, or duplicate accrual policies

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Accruals > Accrual Policies.

Note: When making changes to an existing accrual policy, be mindful of the effective date. Changes can create historical corrections if they are made in a signed-off pay period. If needed, create a new version of the policy with an effective date that occurs in an unsigned off pay period.

When you create, edit or duplicate accrual policies, complete the following fields: