Accrual dates

Site-wide and person-specific reference dates determine when accrual balances are credited or verified. Complete the tables for each date type.

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Accruals > Dates. Click the plus icon add a date or click the delete icon to remove a date. You can also used the calendar icon to select a date.

Site-Wide Dates

Dates, such as New Year or Fiscal Q1, that are configured once and are the same for everyone.

  • Date Name — The name of the date. The name is required and must be unique among all date names.
  • Date — The date that the name references.

Person-Specific Dates

Dates that vary from person to person, such as anniversary, or birthday. Can be used as reference dates for date patterns. They cannot be used as reporting periods for accrual codes.

  • Date Name — The name of the date. It must be unique.
  • Date — A drop-down list of dates from which you can select for the date name. Initially the only date is Date of Hire.